Upcoming Golf Events






More Golf News



Our driving range grass section will be for the remainder of the season. Please watch the attached video on how I would like you to practice in our effort to keep the range grass the very best we can for an optimal practice area!!

LGA - 


Hi to all Women Golfers, 

We encourage all of our members and our newest women golf members to join our fun-filled and friendly golf league. We succeeded in having an amazing 23-24 season and look forward to your participation in the upcoming 2024-2025 LGA season. Before you know it, the new season will be upon us and those that left for the Summer will be returning to Boca Lago Golf and Country Club. 

The seasonal fee of $125 will be charged to your account in order to participate in the LGA. The fee covers prize money for the year and the 9-hole  golf and dinner event. 

The tournament schedule is enclosed as well as the application, which should be returned to the proshop. 

On behalf of the Ladies' Golf Committee and the entire golf staff… Welcome!!!

Marcia Gordon, Chairwoman. 



EMAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________________________

PREFFERED PHONE #:_______________________________





October 15 492 Columbus Day; (West/South) 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18 (I)


October 21 Best Ball, Everyone Putts from the Closest Ball of the Team (T)


October 29 Orange Ball Tournament (T) Wear Black & Orange

November 5 Election Day - Choose your three best par 3's, four best par 4's and two best Par 5's


November 12 Salute to our Vets - 12 Flags on 12 Holes, 2 Best Balls, 1 Gross Ball, 1 Net (T) Wear Red, White, & Blue


November 19 Odds & Evens, West ~ 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9; South ~ 2, 4, 6, & 8

November 26 Don't Be a Turkey ~ Walk Your Ball Around the Water (I)

December 3 Single Ball Shamble (T)

December 10 Ladies Opening Day

December 17 Our Gift to You ~ Christmas/Hanukah (Free Lift Ball From Bunker (I)


December 24 No Golf

December 31 No Golf

January 7 Ring In ODDS out EVENS ~ Only Odd Holes Count 1-18 (I)


January 14 Member/Member

January 16 Member/Member 9:00am

January 21 Presidents Week ~ 1BB on Par 3's & 4's, Scramble on Par 5's


January 28 Chinese New Year of the Snake (Throw Ball Out of the Bunker)

February 4 N.O.S.E. 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19 (I)

February 11 Pink Ball (1 BB of 4) ~ (T) ~ 2 Separate Tournament ~ Wear Red or Pink, Add a Stroke if they Do Not Wear the Colors



February 18 Sadie Hawkins Alt - Shot

February 25 Color Wars (Blue & Yellow), Teams Chosen Early, List of Names in Locker Room

March 4 Day of the Devil ~ Mardi Gras (6/6/6) 2 Person Teams, Alt-Shot, Scramble, BestBall


March 7 Member/Guest

March 11 Criss/Cross (I)

March 18 Shamrock is a 4 Leaf Clover (Wear Green), Count Only Par 4's (I)


March 25 2 Person Team Nassau Best Ball (Front, Back, Overall Winners)

April 1 April Fools Day! Don't be a Fool, Let the Pro Shop Pick 9 Blind Holes


April 8 Queens of the Green, 2:30 p.m. Shotgun, 9 Holes, Cocktails & Dinner (Complimentary for LGA Members)



April 15 Tax Day! Don't Tax Yourself, Take Away Your Worst 3 Holes


April 22 Easter Egg Tournament (I)

April 29 Bye-Bye Birdie (T) Double Shamble


To all golfer members,

As we approach our upcoming busy season, we ask you all to have patience and understanding when booking tee times. Our goal is to give the entire membership a great golf experience. Whether you have been here as a member for 30 years or you just signed up for your first year, tee times will be allocated first and foremost as you sign up on the website tee sheet. We also reserve the right in the Golf department to direct tee times to whatever combination of golf courses work best for all of membership. As always we take into consideration all Boca Lago, men's, and women's golf associations and leagues. Also, no twosomes will be permitted to play before 9:30 am. Any twosomes booked before 9:30 will be paired together with another twosome or single by the golf shop. Only foursomes will be permitted to book before 9:30 for the remainder of the golf season. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

All the best golfing,

Billy Ashford

Dear Golfing Members,

Please we are asking for all members and guests to check in at Pro Shop prior to the start of your round. From a safety perspective, we would like to know who is on the course at any given time.
In addition, to help eliminate any potential billing errors, we are also asking for members to sign their receipts in the Pro Shop for all purchases. Special order items will be charged for when the purchase is made.
Please advise pro shop staff if you are applying any pro shop credits to the purchase at the time of purchase. Pro Shop credits cannot be applied after the purchase is made.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 

All Pro Shop credit must be used up by this year's end! Please check your balances in the Pro Shop.



All Golf Members:

The range maintenance hours will be as follows: 

  • The Range will be open 7:30 am on Thursdays.
  • The closing of the Range will be 45 minutes before dark everyday.

Our need to cut and maintain our Range is very important and due to the sound ordinance, we are forced to follow the 7:00 am start of the mowers. Hence, no one will be permitted to hit balls on the Range until 7:30 am.  Range balls will not be on the Range or practice areas until 7:30 am on Thursdays. Please respect our policy and as always, treat our BLG&CC Staff with the utmost respect that they deserve for making sure rules are followed.


Pro Shop Hours

Tuesday-Sunday 6:30 am-5:30pm

Range Hours

Tuesday 6:30 am-7:30 pm

Wednesday 6:30 am-6:30 pm (Prep for cutting Range)

Thursday-Saturday 6:30 am-7:30 pm

Sunday 6:30 am-6:30 pm (Prep for cutting Range)